How to relieve painful shingles from itching.

How to relieve painful shingles from itching.

How to relieve the scratching of itching and burning shingles, (caused from the chicken pox virus) usually on elderly folks. Use Vinegar; the basic home remedy for all kinds of ailments from generations long ago.

Things You'll Need:

White Distilled Vinegar

Cotton balls


Get cotton balls and then damp with distilled white vinegar.


Apply vinegar with cotton and rub into each area of blister.


If blister still itches, repeat application while rubbing the sore until it stops itching. Let dry and wait at least one hour before reapplying. This may take a few times a day for the first few days, then the blister should dry up and go away.

Tips & Warnings

If the shingle blisters reappear, continue vinegar application until it dries up and closes up.

This is a traditional relief handed down from past generations. If you have any allergies to vinegar, then by all means ask your doctor first. But this remedy is all natural.