How to Relieve Migraines Through Biofeedback

How to Relieve Migraines Through Biofeedback

People who have had a migraine headache will tell you it's one of the most painful experiences you can have. Migraines result from an imbalance in chemicals transmitted throughout the brain. As this imbalance escalates, the blood vessels constrict (narrow) and dilate (widen). This in turn causes the nerves surrounding these blood vessels to become inflamed, the culprit responsible for the actual pain experiemced during migraines. The typical symptoms that accompany many migraines (visual displays, nausea, numbness) can be explained by the narrowing and widening of the arteries. Biofeedback, an alternative medicine treatment which teaches the patient to control some bodily functions based on their own vital signs, has been very successful in giving patients a way to relieve the pain from migraines. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Relieve Migraines Through Biofeedback


Have your diagnosis for migraines confirmed. Determine the type of migraine you have, either classic or common. Classic migraines are ones that are prefaced by an aura, whereas common migraines are not. An aura is often described as a visual disturbance marked by swirling lights or stars, zig-zag type of light streaks, or sometimes a numbness or tingling sensation in the extremities. Common migraines, having occurred at least five times, usually last 4 to 72 hours. They're characterized by unilateral (on one side of the head) throbbing pain and intensified by routine physical activity. Nausea or vomiting must also be present to be considered a migraine. Classic migraines have all of those symptoms plus patients experience aura-like symptoms lasting less than 60 minutes. For more information about migraines, consult the "Real Age Headache Assessment Center" (see Resources below).


Find a certified biofeedback therapist by visiting the "Biofeedback Certification Institute of America" (BCIA) Web site (see Resources below). Make sure that the therapist you choose has experience in treating migraines through biofeedback.


Develop a treatment plan with your therapist. Most migraines are a long-term proposition. You'll need to learn to continue your biofeedback treatments at home. Find out from your therapist how soon you can become independent with your treatments.


Learn the feedback mechanisms that will relieve your migraine pain. Most migraines are treated through teaching the patient to raise their body temperature in one or both hands. Doing so will divert blood supplies to that area and help to stabilize the circulatory imbalance in the brain. Your migraine symptoms should be minimized or eliminated.

Tips & Warnings

The cost per visit for biofeedback treatments is inexpensive to moderate. It may become an expensive proposition if the migraines are severe and require long-term therapy.

If your headache symptoms worsen after treatment or if you experience any adverse reactions to your therapy, don't delay in consulting a medical doctor or local emergency room.